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Families are important at St. Thomas!  We feel that the starting point of our outward servant focus is through service to the local community, especially children, youth and their families.  We serve families through mentoring at-risk kids, quarterly immunization clinics, an on-site food pantry and many other offerings.  See our Outreach page for more details about service opportunities.
We also want to provide excellent study, nurture, and worship opportunities.  

Some of these are offered to families as a group while others are focused specifically on parents, children, and/or youth. Contact the church office for more information on children, youth and families (281-497-4846).

For Youth

At St. Thomas Presbyterian Church, our goal is to provide a safe community

where youth can learn and practice Christian discipleship to establish

a foundation for a faithful life. We do that by engaging in:

  • Worship & Bible Study

  • Mission work in our community, city, & region

  • Building relationships with each other


Mission Projects:  

Our youth participate in various mission projects and trips throughout the year.  Each summer, we take a week to experience mission work in other communities. Past mission trips have included Project Homecoming (NOLA), Heifer International Ranch (Perryville, AR), and Reach Beyond Mission (Texas City, TX). 


Youth Retreats:  

Each spring, our youth join other youth from around Houston for Presbyterian Youth Conclaves at Camp Cho-Yeh. Each summer, we also go to places like Mo-Ranch or Montreat to participate in their variety of summer retreats. These are great ways for the youth to hang out with each other, enjoy the outdoors, and continue their faith formation.


To keep up with what all is happening with our youth, sign up for our Weekly Youth Update here.


For Children

We have a wonderful staff of Sunday School teachers and nursery workers.  Weekly Sunday School is offered at 9:30 a.m.  We invite parents of infants and small children to take them to the nursery located in the Christian Education building prior to the service.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.     Proverbs 22:6


Sunday Morning Classes:

We offer a full range of classes for adults, youth and children.  For information on Adults, click here.

Family Fun Events:

We periodically have family events such as camping trips, picnics, splash days or movies on the St. Thomas lawn. See the Events page for upcoming dates and restaurants. 

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